December 28, 2015 Christopher Cecil fitness, training, gear 2015 By The Numbers December 28, 2015 Christopher Cecil fitness, training, gear With 2015 coming to a close, I thought it might be fun to take a look at 2015 - by the numbers.
March 24, 2015 Christopher Cecil training Wetsuit? More like WTFsuit... March 24, 2015 Christopher Cecil training My new wetsuit came in and it's awesome. Me using it? Not so much...
February 21, 2015 Christopher Cecil training That Time I Ran In Tights... February 21, 2015 Christopher Cecil training If I'm going to survive my triathlon, I gotta squeeze in the training...even when it's 39º outside. So I did what I had to do today...
January 31, 2015 Christopher Cecil training OMG, I just wore public. January 31, 2015 Christopher Cecil training There is something I was totally not prepared to deal with when I signed up for this Triathlon – the ungodly clothing I would be subjected to.