Dr. Lindsey Wife Gets The Last Laugh


I spent the better part of 9 months in 2016 trying to fix my stupid knee pain. I stopped running for a couple of months. I went to an orthopedist for an x-ray to make sure nothing was broken (there wasn’t). Then I did four months of physical therapy only to get sent back to the orthopedist for an MRI when progress wasn't...well, progressing.

After the MRI, the orthopedist delivered this lovely response: “Mr. Cecil, the scan shows no signs of knee damage. Maybe you should just try cycling instead?” Gee, thanks for the help….prick.

So after witnessing the wads of cash I'd invested and my complete frustration with the whole process, Dr. Lindsey Wife decided to put me on an Advil bender for three weeks to see what would happen. I'm always skeptical of this treatment because I joke that this her answer for any issue I present to her: 

Me: "Honey, my leg is sore."  Her: "Take some Advil and stop being such a baby"

Me: "Honey, I think I have pneumonia." Her: "Take some Advil and stop being such a baby" 

Me: "Honey, my arm came off and I'm gushing blood everywhere." Her: "Take some Advil and stop being such a baby."

But at this point, i'm desperate.

So, on her medical orders, I took four Advil, three times a day for three weeks.

The result? My knee and I are finally at peace! I’m not totally out of the woods yet, but I’ve been able to start running again and have been slowly rebuilding my pace and distances. I’ll even be running in my first race since the knee incident in just a couple of weeks. #finally

So yeah, after nine months of doctors, therapists and fancy machinery, all I needed was a stupid bottle of Advil from the local CVS.

Lessons Learned:

  • Before you spend thousands of dollars over several months, maybe try Advil first?
  • My wife is usually right 🙄