a nerdy site
[about technology, fitness and other things]
[about technology, fitness and other things]
I've spent wads of cash and several months trying to fix my knee pain. Turns out Dr. Lindsey Wife had the answer this whole time.
The 2016 Clemson Triathlon marks a year since I first started doing these. I thought it would be interesting to see how I compared to last year to see how far I've come.
I started physical therapy for my stupid knee and I have a new found respect for the practice. They found the root of the problem – and it is not was I was expecting.
Kicking off the triathlon season with the Caine Halter YMCA Triathlon was fun, even if I did feel a little unprepared...
Me posing in front of the Grand Canyon as if this is something I do all the time.
My story is pretty basic. I'm 43 and into geeky things like technology, design, architecture, DIY projects and Land Rovers (except Land Rovers aren't geeky...they're super cool).
I'm a designer and business owner by day at a company I started called SLANT. We provide design, user interface development, marketing, and creative consulting services to clients of all shapes and sizes. I spend my day making sure our clients are happy and our design work is top-notch.
At home I'm a husband and father of two, pretending I know what I'm doing.
I'm a huge geek. I love just about anything tech or car related and I'm always doing some sort of DIY project between the two. Despite the eye-rolling from my family and non-techy friends, I'm the first person they call when they have tech questions.
Because of this, I do a lot – A LOT – of explaining on how to setup stuff, fix stuff or how something works in general. So my passion for tech is also sort of driven by finding ways to making it easier to understand. I try and do that by designing new user interfaces for products or software or coming here to post about tech stuff so others can learn and share.
I never considered myself a "fitness guy", but I stumbled into it over the past few years (read the full story here). It's been a hilarious journey because I've never been an athlete and never played sports (seriously...I sucked mightily at any all sports).
As you can see from my first post, a friend motivated me to do the unthinkable and sign up for a Sprint Triathlon in 2015. Since we've learned that I wasn't a hardcore fitness guy or an athlete, it would prove to be a very interesting challenge. I originally started this blog to chronicle my training and share what were some hilarious moments with my friends and family as I learned how to be a triathlete.
Along the way, I did that thing really annoying, overly positive people do and "learned a lot about myself". Trust me, this was not something I set out to do – I just wanted to not become a sloth. BUT, I ended up learning stuff like: how nutrition impacts my mood and energy; how training can control my anxiety; how nerdy gadgets that record my health data are helping me push my personal limits (safely)....and you know, how wearing a speedo in public over and over helps reduce panic attacks.
It's been a fascinating ride.
Now I use the blog to share what I'm currently up to and what I'm learning from it. So if you find something useful, awesome! If not, perhaps I'll just bore you to death instead.
This marks the third time I've don this race...and it keeps getting more and more fun.